Belated celebratory lunch

Wednesday 7 Septemnber

Today began in a relaxed leisurely way; my crew eventually got themselves organised to cycle into town for their long-anticipated lunch at La Cale, a favourite establishment in the Place de la République with a very good seafood menu and the Mate’s favourite dessert – café gourmand.  Rather than continue in this holiday relaxed style, though, they set off in the heat of the afternoon to find a different supermarket in pursuit of a new electric kettle.  This turned out to be a branch of Leclerc, out on the Tourlaville road.  The sticky pedalling was worth the effort, as a pretty red model was found, as well as a couple of essential grocery items Mate had been seeking all over Normandy.  While they were on a roll (!), they stopped at the cave on the way home to order a case of wines for delivery to the marina.