Windy Brighton

Tuesday 12 July

The crew decided it was still too windy to continue the journey East, but the owners were expected back to the berth we’d borrowed (attracted by the pontoon padding), so the Marina staff asked us to move along one – not as easy as it sounds in a tricky crosswind and tidal eddies.  This took up a large chunk of the bright sunny morning, and gave me a few more scuffs on my hull – cursed skipper.  After lunch the Mate’s bike was set up so she could head into town, in a local monsoon, in search of a Waitrose to provision the galley to my usual standard.  Judging by the luggage lifted out of the panniers on her return, a bit of retail therapy snuck in there as well.  She made up for it though by giving my heads a good clean – ooohh that feels better.