Glad of a lift

Monday 30 April

Skipper rose early to rig his bike with the gas bottle-carrying box, and strap in both gearboxes as well as the autopilot unit – a total load of around 40kg. He teetered alarmingly across the car park until he managed to build up enough speed to remain upright for the nine kilometre ride to Jefa’s factory, where he was allowed to observe the servicing process. They were efficient and friendly, and the job was done promptly. By now the wind was a full gale, and one of the guys took pity on Skipper, and gave him a ride home in the works van – just in time for lunch.

Meanwhile, Mate completed the needlework to her satisfaction: a cheerful new tablecloth is ready for our next guests. In between checking and repositioning my fenders for better protection against our large steel host, she also read a little about our next intended destinations – Southern Sweden and Bornholm.