Happy Independence Day

Tuesday 4 July

A very wet birthday morning for Mate, which didn’t improve by missing the train into Glasgow by one minute having spent the ten-minute walk to the station dodging puddles and dancing away from big truck splashes. The next train was only 30 minutes’ wait in a warm dry waiting room; shame there was no coffee stall. The journey into the city followed the river amid pleasant scenery.

Mate chose to indulge her passion for the art and architecture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh as her birthday treat, and she selected two exhibits of his work in his home city: the Mackintosh Church and the reconstruction of the main rooms of his home at the Hunterian Art Gallery at Glasgow University. She was thrilled by both as they offered examples of his work in a range of different media, including wood carving, glass, furniture and furnishings. She learned that Mackintosh saw light as feminine and dark as masculine, expressed in simple, elegant lines and depicting elements of nature. She was moved in both buildings by the peaceful and inspiring atmosphere.

They took in one further sight on the tourist trail with a brief visit to the Cathedral to view some stunning windows, before repairing to John Lewis for some irresistible retail therapy. The day was rounded off very happily by a ‘Tapas Tuesday’ bargain supper with a delicious bottle of red wine – she’s such a cheap date.