Lifeboats again

Saturday 15 July

A damp and misty morning, but very little wind. Mate had a better night’s sleep and woke early for a peaceful proper shower and hair wash ashore in very smart facilities. Breakfast was cooked and cleared by 1000 so they set off into town for provisions. En route to the fish and chips mission on Thursday evening, they’d clocked a fruiterer, fishmonger and butcher, but this morning with their doors open and wares on display, sadly none lived up to expectation, similarly Co-op, but around the curve of the bay they found a particularly well-stocked and busy Tesco Metro, resulting in a heavy and well-loaded Bertha.

Back onboard for lunch and a brief siesta, before a stroll around the quay to join in the Lifeboat Open Day – a swap visit, you might say. It proved a fascinating tour with a very friendly crew, who all seemed to be called Dave, and my people left hoping they’ll never see the interior of a lifeboat ‘in anger’. As so often happens, the best of the day came when it was too late to do anything much.